Grid InQuest Component Library

Basic Details

Product Name

Grid InQuest

Product Description

The Grid Inquest component library is used to convert coordinates given in Longitude / Latitude to OS coordinate systems used in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland.  The utility is provided by Quest in conjunction with the Ordnance Survey to software developers as a free to use and distribute toolkit.


Quest Geo Solutions Ltd

Supplier Website

Elements in HighStone

Geo-positional Coordinate Conversion

Development License

Utility is published for free use in applications

Run Time License

Royalty-free distribution of run-time libraries

Usage Policy

Utility is built in to application modules that require the conversion.  

HighStone Application must be compiled to match the target release version of the library.

UK Distributor

Not applicable

Development Component Price (Approx)

No Charge

First Year of Use


User Installation

COM Based DLL - Requires an Interop module to link with .NET environment

Supporting .DAT data file must also be distributed 

Component Files




Usage Profile

Library File

HighStone Module




Used to convert positional data between Longitude and Latitude, and OS Grid References of Easting and Northing.

Usage Notes